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                                  We are so glad you stopped by.

Our mission is to create and sell positive artifacts through effort, craftsmanship, and respect to share and celebrate the essence of beauty in art through diversity.


Our positive effort is based on selecting the finest of artifacts that are enjoyable, durable, and affordable 


The craftsmanship of our selected artists’ fine art on display brings an expression of passion and excitement.   All heirlooms are designed with the finest materials, so they will last for years to come.


Our artifacts are one of a kind, dolls, greeting cards, wedding brooms, paintings, statues and etc.  The unique art gifts are completed with the finest of material and creativity.   The exclusive artifacts are custom designed by hand to convey an optimistic purpose of positive energy.

Our concepts are to teach art with a mindful and meaningful approach.  By introducing and supporting cultural aesthetics’   we enrich our students' self-image, self-worth, and self-awareness


The art workshops are implemented to provide a place for artists to display and sell their artwork.   Also, our art workshops are self-funded for at-risk students in the community to come and explore the wonders of their imaginations, through multicultural art experiences. The Griot House of Art is a safe, positive place for learning, sharing, and caring.


So, go ahead browse through and take your time we enjoyed having you at THE GRIOT HOUSE of ART “Where art truths are Told”.

All of the artworks are limited editions/registered trademark @copyright/patent (2001) and personally hand-signed by the innovative renowned artist.  Artwork comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee

We accept donations any amount will be helpful we surely appreciate your support and thank you for your contribution (tax-exempted).  Please mail all donations: The Griot House, Va. Beach  email: /  Call 877 424-7774 or 757 4741776




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